# vmkit-core vmkit-core is a library which provides building blocks for building a language runtime. # Features - Garbage Collector: Done by using [mmtk-core](https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-core) - Thread management: Threads can be spawned, suspended, resumed, killed. ## vmkit-core flavors We support three flavors of vmkit-core: - `uncooperative`: This is the most conservative flavor. It exposes a BDWGC-like API, only provides Immix and MarkSweep GC plans, and management of threads is fully internal to the library. - `cooperative`: This is mostly-precise flavor. This flavor exposes advanced allocation API, requries runtime to call into `yieldpoint()`, and also requires runtime to do write barriers and have precise object layout. Stack is left to be conservatively scanned. - `full-precise`: This is precise flavor. Provides everything that `cooperative` provides, and also requires runtime to not have any conservative assumptions such as conservative stack scanning.