use std::{marker::PhantomData, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize}}; use mm::{aslr::aslr_vm_layout, traits::SlotExtra, MemoryManager}; use mmtk::{MMTKBuilder, MMTK}; use threading::{initialize_threading, ThreadManager}; pub mod machine_context; pub mod mm; pub mod object_model; pub mod options; pub mod semaphore; pub mod sync; pub mod threading; pub mod platform; #[cfg(feature="uncooperative")] pub mod bdwgc_shim; pub trait VirtualMachine: Sized + 'static + Send + Sync { type ThreadContext: threading::ThreadContext<Self>; type BlockAdapterList: threading::BlockAdapterList<Self>; type Metadata: object_model::metadata::Metadata<Self>; type Slot: SlotExtra; const MAX_ALIGNMENT: usize = 16; const MIN_ALIGNMENT: usize = 8; /// Does this VM use conservative tracing? If `true` then VM can /// query VO-bit (valid-object bit) to check if an object is live /// during tracing work. /// /// Note that this is distinct from conservative stack scanning. When /// collecting roots VO-bits are always available. /// /// Read more: [ObjectModel::NEED_VO_BITS_DURING_TRACING](mmtk::vm::ObjectModel::NEED_VO_BITS_DURING_TRACING). /// /// # Note /// /// - [`InternalPointer`](mm::conservative_roots::InternalPointer) can only be used when this is `true`. #[cfg(feature = "cooperative")] const CONSERVATIVE_TRACING: bool = false; /// Get currently active VM instance. /// /// # Notes /// /// At the moment we assume only one active VM per process. This can be changed in the future once MMTk supports /// instances. In that case this function can return active VM for current thread instead of one global instance. fn get() -> &'static Self; fn vmkit(&self) -> &VMKit<Self>; /// Prepare for another round of root scanning in the same GC. /// /// For details: [Scanning::prepare_for_roots_re_scanning](mmtk::vm::Scanning::prepare_for_roots_re_scanning) fn prepare_for_roots_re_scanning(); /// MMTk calls this method at the first time during a collection that thread's stacks have been scanned. This can be used (for example) to clean up obsolete compiled methods that are no longer being executed. fn notify_initial_thread_scan_complete(partial_scan: bool, tls: mmtk::util::VMWorkerThread); /// Process weak references. /// /// This function is called after a transitive closure is completed. /// /// For details: [Scanning::process_weak_refs](mmtk::vm::Scanning::process_weak_refs) fn process_weak_refs( _worker: &mut mmtk::scheduler::GCWorker<MemoryManager<Self>>, _tracer_context: impl mmtk::vm::ObjectTracerContext<MemoryManager<Self>>, ) -> bool { false } fn forward_weak_refs( _worker: &mut mmtk::scheduler::GCWorker<MemoryManager<Self>>, _tracer_context: impl mmtk::vm::ObjectTracerContext<MemoryManager<Self>>, ); /// Scan one mutator for stack roots. /// /// For details: [Scanning::scan_roots_in_mutator_thread](mmtk::vm::Scanning::scan_roots_in_mutator_thread) fn scan_roots_in_mutator_thread( tls: mmtk::util::VMWorkerThread, mutator: &'static mut mmtk::Mutator<MemoryManager<Self>>, factory: impl mmtk::vm::RootsWorkFactory<<MemoryManager<Self> as mmtk::vm::VMBinding>::VMSlot>, ); /// Scan VM-specific roots. /// /// For details: [Scanning::scan_vm_specific_roots](mmtk::vm::Scanning::scan_vm_specific_roots) fn scan_vm_specific_roots( tls: mmtk::util::VMWorkerThread, factory: impl mmtk::vm::RootsWorkFactory<<MemoryManager<Self> as mmtk::vm::VMBinding>::VMSlot>, ); /// A hook for the VM to do work after forwarding objects. fn post_forwarding(tls: mmtk::util::VMWorkerThread) { let _ = tls; } fn schedule_finalization(tls: mmtk::util::VMWorkerThread) { let _ = tls; } fn vm_live_bytes() -> usize { 0 } fn out_of_memory(tls: mmtk::util::VMThread, err_kind: mmtk::util::alloc::AllocationError) { let _ = tls; let _ = err_kind; eprintln!("Out of memory: {:?}", err_kind); std::process::exit(1); } } pub struct VMKit<VM: VirtualMachine> { thread_manager: ThreadManager<VM>, pub mmtk: MMTK<MemoryManager<VM>>, pub(crate) collector_started: AtomicBool, marker: PhantomData<VM>, gc_disabled_depth: AtomicUsize, } impl<VM: VirtualMachine> VMKit<VM> { pub fn new(builder: &mut MMTKBuilder) -> Self { initialize_threading::<VM>(); let vm_layout = aslr_vm_layout(&mut builder.options); builder.set_vm_layout(vm_layout); VMKit { mmtk:, marker: PhantomData, collector_started: AtomicBool::new(false), thread_manager: ThreadManager::new(), gc_disabled_depth: AtomicUsize::new(0), } } pub(crate) fn are_collector_threads_spawned(&self) -> bool { self.collector_started.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) } pub fn thread_manager(&self) -> &ThreadManager<VM> { &self.thread_manager } }